7 Low-Cholesterol Meals Your Heart and Tastebuds Will Love

An estimated 71 million Americans have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, which can lead to poor blood flow, chest pain, heart attack, heart disease, and stroke, among other health concerns. Adapting eating habits that limit dietary cholesterol is a key way of controlling and lowering high cholesterol, but that doesn't mean the only options are bland, flavorless foods. In fact, numerous low-cholesterol meals are as tasty as they are heart-healthy—including these delicious recipes that will get you through the week.
Sheet-Pan Chicken with Peaches and Tomatoes
This sheet pan dinner is one of the tastiest low-cholesterol meals, and it's just as easy to make as it is to clean up. Chicken breast, which is low in saturated fat and used in many healthy recipes, is the featured protein in this summer dish. Red onion is another cholesterol-friendly ingredient—the vegetable is high in a specific type of flavonoid, quercetin, which studies have shown helps lower LDL cholesterol.
Spicy Green Beans with Herb Salad
While it may seem as though ingredients like fresh herbs, garlic, and onion are only used to add flavor to recipes, the earthy produce items have cholesterol-lowering power too. Even small amounts eaten over time can add up, so regularly incorporate dishes like this spicy green beans and herbs salad into your low-cholesterol meals repertoire. Also, don't skip the anchovies this recipe calls for. The tiny tinned fish lend savory umami flavor and are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats and cholesterol-lowering niacin.
Bibimbap Casserole with Tofu
Eggs were once thought to be contributors to poor heart health, but newer studies have proven they're not as risky as previously perceived for people with high cholesterol. This sweet and savory bibimbap casserole uses eggs alongside tofu, a soy food that helps lower LDL cholesterol (the most important type of cholesterol to keep in check). Onion and garlic, staples in low-cholesterol meals, also appear in this healthy casserole dinner.
Celery and Apple Salad with Walnuts
Apples, which are high in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol by helping the body eliminate excess cholesterol, are one of the main ingredients in this heart-healthy salad. Walnuts further promote heart health—they contain phytosterols, which help block cholesterol absorption. The sweet fruit and toasty nut are teamed with other crunchy ingredients like celery and red onion for a textural twist on a traditional salad.
Beef and Broccoli
Beef may not be the obvious choice for healthy ingredients that lower cholesterol, but sliced flank steak—the cut of beef used here—is low in saturated fat. That qualifies this beef and broccoli dish to join our list of low-cholesterol meals—and it'll even lower your stress levels if you set it and forget it in a slow cooker. In addition to the beef being low in saturated fat, the recipe's inclusion of broccoli helps lower LDL cholesterol and boost good (HDL) cholesterol.
Salmon with Roasted Tomatoes and Shallots
Pick up some salmon to make this simple dish—a single mouthwatering bite will have you adding it to your rotation of low-cholesterol meals. The heart-healthy omega-3 fats in salmon help fight inflammation and lower triglycerides and overall cholesterol. Shallot, garlic, and herbs contribute more cholesterol-fighting power and flavor to this Mediterranean-inspired dinner.
Italian Pork Roast
For a double dose of cholesterol-lowering tomatoes, make this Italian pork roast. You'll use fresh stewed tomatoes and tomato paste, two ingredients high in lycopene, an organic compound that helps prevent the body from making LDL cholesterol. This savory low-cholesterol meal also contains red wine, which may help increase your good cholesterol levels.